Freshness becomes the largest advantage of using a home delivery fruit and vegetable service. I often hear the question “Why don’t my fruit and vegetables last when I get them home from the shops – I have to shop for my fruit and vegetables every few days”.
The answer is very simple in the end. In most cases the fruit and vegetables are sitting on the shelves dying while waiting for you to purchase them. Simply put, for every hour on the shelf for the most perishable items (strawberries, lettuce, herbs, broccoli) they will last 1 day less in your home. In the environment the produce is waiting in it is rapidly aging regardless of the methods of presentation on the shelves.
Using a fruit and vegetable home delivery service avoids this problem. At Paradise Fresh we pack your order direct from fruit and vegetables in our coolroom – nothing sits out on shelves waiting to be packed. The produce is packed cold into an insulated box and then transported in a refrigerated van for delivery to your door. This is why our customers find our produce will last for more than a week for them.
We find our fruit and vegetable delivery service is very popular with time poor people – let’s face it, that’s most of us these days. It reduces the amount of time spent shopping each week and frees us up to do more enjoyable things. Having your fresh fruit and vegetables delivered means you only need go to the supermarket once a week or even less.
To try out Paradise Fresh go to and put your postcode in the selection field and select your town – it is then easy to shop for all your fruit and vegetable needs. You receive free delivery and a 100% guarantee on all our fruit and vegetables no questions asked.
Brendon North
Paradise Fresh
Paradise Fresh is a premium quality home delivered fruit and vegetable franchise business. We deliver fresh fruit and vegetables through towns of NSW and the northern parts of Sydney. There are limited franchise territories available throughout the major capital cities and regional towns of Australia
Paradise Fresh delivers to the following areas:
Tamworth, Kootingal, Moonbi, Nemingha, Moore Creek, Loomberah, Attunga, Manilla, Werris Creek, Quirindi, Willow Tree, Murrurundi Sommerton, Carrol and Gunnedah
Paradise Fresh also services the wholesale trade delivering to restaurants, cafes, schools, pubs and clubs.
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I love Paradise Farmers Market. I love providing fresh fruit and veg for my family and supporting our farmers at the same time"
Sarah T,
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